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Hormone Balancing

Have you experienced a gradual loss of energy, strength, mental focus, sleep and libido?
You can improve your quality of life by restoring your hormone and nutritional balance. We offer effective hormone therapy for both men (low testosterone) and women (menopause) to optimize your well being.

Did you know Men suffer symptoms of hormone loss much in the same way women experience menopause?  Symptoms like mood changes, lack of concentration, low energy, and diminished libido may occur in men and women.

Bringing balance to hormonal levels and optimizing organ functions can bring back mental functioning, improve physical performance and surge vitality back into your life.
Treating hormonal imbalance takes patience and involves multiple modalities of treatment that may include:hormone balancing

  • Fitness
  • Nutrition
  • Supplements
  • Bio-identical hormones

If you are having symptoms that may be related to low hormone levels…Please schedule a consultation and start feeling like you again!


2530 East Indian School Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016

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