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Healthy Lifestyle Guide
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A. Healthy Nutrition:

  1. Never skip a meal again — Eat every 3-4 hours (even a protein bar is better than nothing)
  2. Eat real, unprocessed foods
  3. Eat balanced meals- Combination of protein and low glycemic carbohydrates
  4. Make protein the main part of the meal
  5. Eat some healthy fats (seeds, nuts)
  6. Eat real carbohydrates like fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grain and "sprouted" bread
  7. Drink enough water (3-4 liters min)

B. Stress Management suggestions:

  1. Make downtime a daily practice
  2. Put your life in perspective
  3. Keep track of stress signals
  4. Get enough sleep
  5. Take a multivitamin daily with antioxidants

C. Taper off and avoiding toxic chemicals, which include:

  1. Nicotine & Alcohol
  2. Refined sugar & Artificial sweeteners
  3. Illicit drugs and narcotics
  4. MSG, preservatives and additives

D. Exercise, including a good cross-training program

  1. Exercise to improve our flexibility and calm our system.
  2. Resistance and adaptive training exercise to improve our musculature.
  3. Cardiovascular and stimulating exercise.

E. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)

  1. Take only bioidentical hormones.
  2. Mimic normal physiology as much as possible.
  3. Track the hormone levels and their effects.


2530 East Indian School Road
Phoenix, AZ 85016

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